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Course design and coordination



From 2023:


​From 2023:


From 2017:
















2008 & 2010:



Anthropology of Reproduction, Health and Technologies, in Bachelor Cultural Anthropology (12 ECTS)

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Anthropology of Eastern Europe, in Bachelor Cultural Anthropology (6 ECTS)

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Doing Anthropology, in Bachelor Cultural Anthropology (6 ECTS)

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Introduction to Qualitative Research, a 3-day course for medical professionals (twice a year).

Netherlands School of Public & Occupational Health (NSPOH), Utrecht, the Netherlands

Youth & Health, in Bachelor Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (6 ECTS).

Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Programme, University of Amsterdam

Social Science Switch, an online course for future students in Medical Anthropology and Sociology (6ECTS)

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam

Qualitative Methods in Health Research, a 3-day course for medical professionals (2x).

GGD Academy, the Netherlands.
Health, Care and the Body, in Research Master Social Sciences (10 ECTS).

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam

Sexuality, Reproduction and Health, in Bachelor Cultural Anthropology (12 ECTS).

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Research protocol development, in Research Master Social Sciences (10 ECTS).

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam

Anthropological Approaches to Public Health, in Master of Public Health (11 days).

James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh

Introduction to Medical Anthropology, in Amsterdam Master’s in Medical Anthropology (10 ECTS).

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam













Practicing Ethnography, in Bachelor Cultural Anthropology (12 ECTS)

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Comprehensive Introduction to Research Methodology and Design, for various MA programmes (6 ECTS)

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam

Research Design, in Master Medical Anthropology and Sociology (6 ECTS).

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Methods of Research on Health and Health Care, in Master Medical Anthropology and Sociology (6 ECTS).

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Research Protocol Development, in Master Medical Anthropology and Sociology (6 ECTS)

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Theory and History of Anthropology, in Bachelor Cultural Anthropology (12 ECTS).

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Ph.D. level








Member of Ph.D. committee assessing a thesis on abortion care in Uganda
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Member of Ph.D. committee assessing a thesis on agency in early motherhood in South Africa
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Member of Ph.D. committee assessing a thesis on beauty and precarity in the Philippines
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam

Co-promotor of Ph.D. project by Judith van de Kamp, on power dynamics between westerners and local staff in the
Cameroonian health care system
(‘Behind the smiles: Relationships and power dynamics between short-term                             westerners and Cameroonian health workers in a hospital in rural Cameroon’)

Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam











2011 & 2012:


(Research) Master level

MA research project on abortion practices in Poland

MA research project on the materiality of doula care in the Netherlands

MA research project on the experiences of Spanish pregnant women during the first wave of COVID-19

MA research project on Dutch contraceptive care for patients with a Moroccan or Turkish background

MA research project on health volunteers in South Africa

MA research project on intercultural competencies of health workers in Peru

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, Netherlands

MA research project on menstruation in Bangladesh

Research MA research project on experiences of German women with post-WWII rape by allied soldiers

MA research project on pregnancy risks in Jamaica

Research protocols in Research Master Social Sciences (RMSS).

Research protocols in Master Medical Anthropology and Sociology (MAS).

Bachelor level




Main supervisor of 6 Bachelor theses in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Amsterdam

Main supervisor of 10 Bachelor theses in Cultural Anthropology
Faculty of Social Sciences, Radboud University of Nijmegen

Invited talks and seminars
























National School of Political Science (SNSPA), Romania.

‘Reproductive health examined: anthropological studies in Cameroon and Romania’, in Bachelor program Public Administration.

University of Oxford, UK.

‘Angel mothers and forgotten fetuses: Meanings and memories of reproductive loss in Romania’ in the seminar series

‘Childbearing and the body political’. [cancelled due to sickness]

New York University, USA.

'The pain and pride of angel mothers: Disappointments and desires around reproductive loss in post-communist    
Romania' in the seminar series ‘Science Studies and Ethnography’.

Bronx Community Center, City University of New York (CUNY), USA.
'Making (angel) mothers: Politics and reproduction in Romania' in module ‘Introduction to Sociology’.

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), UK.

‘Ethnographic approaches’ in module ‘Qualitative Methodologies’ (once a year).

University of Bucharest, Romania.

​‘Gender and reproductive health: Some examples from the field’ in module ‘Sociology of Gender’ in Bachelor program   
Gender Studies.

​University of Bucharest, Romania.

‘Studying reproductive health: An anthropologist’s journey from Cameroon to Romania’ in Monthly Departmental Seminar

University of Bucharest, Romania.

‘Medical anthropology: An introduction’ in BA minor Cultural Anthropology.

National School of Political Science (SNSPA), Romania.

‘Reproductive health examined: anthropological studies in Cameroon and Romania’ (March and November).     
University of Oxford, UK.

‘Reproductive navigation in East Cameroon’ in the seminar series ‘Reproduction and Social Differentiation’.

The Netherlands

From 2022:



From 2019:



From 2019:


From 2017:


From 2016:





From 2013:


From 2010:


From 2006:

























UvA Bachelor program Political Sciences.

‘The ethnographic method’ in mandatory course ‘Research Methods’ for second year Bachelor Political Science (once a year)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam.

‘Social and community networks and socio-cultural context’ in module ‘Social determinants of health’ in Master of Public Health (once a year)

UvA Master programs Anthropology.

Workshop on Atlas.ti and coding in qualitative research (once a year)

Netherlands School of Public & Organizational Health (NSPOH), Utrecht.

'Culture and health system research' in module 'Health System Research' (twice a year).

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam.

'Views on health and disease in different cultures' in module 'Health Systems' (twice a year).

UvA Bachelor program Pedagogical Sciences.

‘The meaning of children in Romania’ in module ‘The meaning of having children in cross-cultural perspective’ (once a year).

UvA Graduate School for Social Sciences (GSSS).

‘Ethnographic approaches’ in module ‘Comprehensive Introduction to Research Methodology and Design’ (once a year).

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam.

‘Medical Anthropology’ in module ‘Basic Research Methods’ (twice a year).

UvA Department of Anthropology.

Over 50 guest lectures in Bachelor and (Research) Master programs in (Medical) Anthropology at the University of 


Netherlands School of Public & Organizational Health (NSPOH).

'Qualitative Interviewing' in Master of Public Health (3x).

VU University Medical Center (VUmc), Amsterdam.

Workshop on coding and analyzing in Atlas.ti

Leiden University College, The Hague.

'Politics of reproduction: The case of abortion in Romania' in module 'Medical Anthropology'.

Amsterdam University College (AUC), Amsterdam.

'Concepts and theories' in module 'Introduction to Medical Anthropology'

UvA Bachelor program Pedagogical Sciences.

‘The meaning of children in Cameroon’ in module ‘The meaning of having children in cross-cultural perspective’.

Leiden University College, The Hague.
'Making mothers in Romania: Reproductive health and the state' in module 'Medical Anthropology'

UvA Bachelor program Political Science.

‘Ethnographic research’ in module ‘The Young and the Party’.

Webster University, Leiden.

‘Sexuality and navigations of reproduction’ in module ‘Introduction to Cultural Anthropology’.

UvA Master program Political Science.

‘Ethnographic approaches’ in module ‘Research Methodology for Political Science’.

Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam.

‘Culture & Health’ in ‘International Health’ course at Faculty of Medicine.

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam.

'Culture, lifestyle, and health’ in module ‘Determinants of health’.

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